So basically this book is a collection of tales from Tina Fey's life. I wouldn't go as far as to call it an autobiography although it is pretty close. The timeline jumps around a bit and it is not a complete tale of her history, although it comes pretty close. There are also sarcastic helpful hints and replies to "fan mail". She addresses the challenges of being a women boss and a women in comedy and the lack of respect that they receive. Near the beginning she mentions being asked how she manages to be the boss of all of these people and she states that Donald Trump would never be asked those types of questions and it is pretty apt.
I have never understood the theory that women are not funny. We can be very funny and Tina Fey is living proof of that. Make sure that you take the time to read this book, you won't regret it!
I don't know why people don't think women are funny, in fact, I have to tell people all the time how hilarious I am.